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Day 2: May 15, 2018
First day in Brazil it was with a sunny, beautiful day.
After checkin the hotel, we went to have a nice buffet style lunch and a bit of sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro.
We started with the colourful Selaron Steps, with tiles from all over the world. Stoped to visit the Metropolitan Cathedral, which was built between 1964 and 1979 and is dedicated to Saint Sebastian, the patroa of Rio de Janeiro.
Checked a few other points of the Historical Center like the Municipal Theater, Praça XV, Paço Imperial and unforgettable places that are part of the history of Rio and Brazil.
We finished our day ascending Sugar Loaf Mountain and its amazing views. Ready to continue tomorrow with some more attractions like one of the seven wonders of the world - The Christ Redeemer!
Best Regards,
Amanda Selivon