Costa Rica: Explorica Volunteer Trip

March 14, 2024  -  March 21, 2024

Day 1: by Anna Bratten We woke up at 2 am and headed to the bus barn to get on our bus. When we arrived at the bus barn it was raining and cold, we all got on the bus and slept all the way to the airport. Once we got to the airport we had to go through security and then we went to a seating area until we could board the plane. We all found our seats and headed to Texas. Once in Texas, we had to wait a couple hours for our next flight so Meghan and I decided to walk around the airport. There were many shops and restaurants in the airport which surprised me. We stopped at Chick Fill A one last time before heading to Costa Rica. Our flight to Costa Rica was going to be about 3 hours luckily I was still tired and I slept the whole flight. When we landed we were all so excited to finally be somewhere warm. We had to wait in a long line to get all of our luggage but once we went through that we got to go outside. It was very hot out and we were glad to get on the bus with air conditioning. We arrived at our hotel and saw our rooms. I shared a room with Meghan, Izsy, and Joslynn. We put our things in the room and headed straight for the pool which was right outside of our room. The hotel was beautiful and had so many pools that all looked so pretty. We swam and laid out by the pool until we went inside to shower. After showering we went to the lobby to play cards and to explore the hotel until dinner. We went to the roof and had a beautiful view of the sunset and the mountains in the distance. We went to supper and tried food that I hadn’t had before we had some rice, meat, and this thing that looked like a banana, they also had some juice that tasted like pineapple and lemonade although the food wasn’t my favorite it was still cool to try something different. After dinner, we took one last walk around the hotel and then we went to bed to start a new day in Costa Rica.

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