New Tour Spotlight: WWII US History: London, Normandy & Germany

Accelerate your students’ understanding of World War II with this inspiring and humbling trip. Our 11-day tour is an incredible opportunity for your students to step into history as you tour some of WWII’s most influential sites.  

In London, you’ll see Winston Churchill’s cabinet war rooms and walk the city streets around the Thames River and Piccadilly Circus. You and your students will be guided through sites such as Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Abbey. 

On the fifth day of the tour, the history and impact of WWII will come alive as you find yourself in Normandy walking the D-Day beaches and visiting military and war cemeteries, driving home the individual stories of those who fought and died in battle. 

You and your students will tour the site of the Siege of Bastogne, a confrontation between American and German forces that was part of the larger Battle of the Bulge. From Belgium it’s on to Germany, where you’ll step into the awe-inspiring Cologne Cathedral, walk among ruins from Roman times, and begin to feel the historical role these German cities played in the war. 

You’ll hit multiple museums, including the War Crimes Trial Museum, as you and your group make your way to Munich. After a tour of all that the capital of Germany has to offer, your journey will come to an end as you glimpse the chilling Dachau Concentration Camp and Memorial. 

This tour is eye-opening and meaningful for students and teachers alike, and it brings the real significance of World War II to light. Not only do you get to experience the beauty and landscape of three European countries, but you’ll return home with a life-altering experience that touches your heart. 

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