Roadmap to Success

At Explorica we partner with you every step of the way to make your travel dreams come true.

We believe all students should have the opportunity to experience the world, so we provide a variety of resources to help you help more of your students travel. One of these resources is our Recruitment Roadmap, a proven process that’s helped thousands of teachers recruit students for life-changing tours around the globe.

When you plan a tour with us, we provide you with all the tools you need for recruitment success. We send a kit to your door that explains the simple process, pair you with a program consultant to act as your guide and champion (doing all the heavy lifting!), and set up your very own online Tour Center. 


We’ve made it as easy as 1, 2, 3. Keep reading to see just how simple we’ve made recruitment at Explorica. 

Your first step is to tell your students about this incredible travel opportunity.

Personally announce your tour in your classroom. Include details about the destinations and activities on tour, and pass out the parent meeting invitations we have provided.

Direct your students to your dedicated online Tour Center. There, they can click on “I’m interested” and fill out the interest form — or, you can add them yourself. We’ll be in touch with those students reminding them of the time, date, and location of your parent meeting.

Your next step is to hold your informational parent meeting. This is an essential part of the recruitment process, and it brings you one step closer to your step three rewards!

At the meeting, welcome all of the parents and students, show the parent presentation we sent you, and remind attendees of the deadline to enroll.

Your students are excited, and so are their parents. Now, it’s time to keep that momentum going by continuing to promote the trip in places like the classroom, social media, your school’s website and bulletin boards.

Meanwhile, we’ll help you by sending parents emails reminding them of tour details, sign-up instructions, and the enrollment deadline.

Check your Tour Center to watch your enrollment numbers go up! And with Explorica, you only need 6 students enrolled to travel free!



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