New! Volunteer Tours for Students

Berber TribesmanIt’s the kind of life you may have glimpsed only in the movies. On the silver screen, the life of a desert nomad might seem romantic, adventurous, and enviable….Find out what it’s really like for a migrant member in a Moroccan Berber tribe and help preserve a way of life now threatened by desertification on our new volunteer tour to Morocco. As you learn about this unique culture through an enchanting voyage in the ochre-painted Valley of Roses, you’ll also have the privilege of helping to protect it. It’s an educational travel experience wrapped in unforgettable life lessons.

Berbers call themselves Amazigh, meaning “free men.” They roam the desert most of the year, traversing the majestic Atlas Mountains (which form the backdrop of your stay) for shade, water, and to grow vegetables. Except for the youth who travel into Moroccan cities for water or schooling, these warm and welcoming people have few contacts outside of their desert villages. But global warming combined with human practices is destroying the land that makes this ancient tradition possible.

Desertification, or when fertile land becomes barren and desert-like, happens partly due to lack of rainfall or drought. But another cause stems from human interference. When people clear away all the trees or allow their livestock to eat away all plants, there are not enough plants left to hold the soil in place and prevent wind and rain from carrying fertile topsoil away.

That’s where you come in. As part of this rewarding hands-on learning, you’ll help the Berbers fight against the effects of desertification. From building water dams to digging pathways, your efforts will provide running water to nurture Berber village life. While volunteering you might also help build schools—from constructing the roof to laying down water pipes or even painting murals for a classroom. You’ll be amazed to see what a  difference you can make in a short time and feel proud that you’ve had a hand in protecting a two-thousand-year-old nomadic tradition.

Check out our complete list of student volunteer tours which include activities ranging from cleaning up the environment to volunteering at an orphanage and more. No matter which trip you choose your group will help a local community while still enjoying a fun-filled educational tour experience.

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