Group Leader Spotlight: Kerry


Kerry, social studies teacher

Kerry is no stranger to international travel. “It started in the 1970s when I backpacked around Europe during college,” he explains. “I was hooked.”

Kerry took frequent trips abroad during his time in the corporate world, and even lived in the UK while serving as the Dean of a summer program at Cambridge University. So when he started teaching high school social studies, it wasn’t long before his fellow staff called upon him to lead their student tours.

“I researched a lot of companies,” Kerry says. “If I was going to lead trips, I wanted the ability to tailor them to my curriculum.”

Kerry found the flexibility he needed at Explorica. He began planning his first tour in 2008, and since then, has led a trip every year. “I work with the same program consultant, Sarah, because she knows me well. I might look at a tour in the catalog and say, ‘I really don’t want to do that, can we do this instead?’ and she makes it happen. It’s trip planning at a totally consultative level.”

From fly-fishing lessons in Ireland to the Scala Sancta in Rome, Kerry and Sarah have organized some truly unique experiences. “Probably my all-time favorite was taking my students to Mass with a performance by the Vienna Boys’ Choir,” says, Kerry. “It was at the Hapsburg palace in Vienna, and the students were in awe. I couldn’t have made that happen without Explorica.”

Interested in planning a tour tailored to your curriculum? Visit or call 1.888.310.7120.

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