Helping you help more students

We believe all students should have the opportunity to experience the world, so we’re committed to making our tours attainable for all families. And now, we are proud to offer even more options and resources to help you enable more of your students to travel.

scholarshipfundsWe have always guaranteed the best prices in educational travel, and our expert program consultants work with you to make your tour meet your needs and budget—no one-size-fits-all pricing here. Plus, we also offer scholarship opportunities throughout the year.



All Explorica tour participants will now be provided an personal fundraising page. The simple, user-friendly interface puts the fun back in fundraising by enabling students to raise money for their trip using their favorite social communities.


financialassistance-160x250We now offer need-based financial assistance to provide additional support for qualifying families. Funds are awarded based on economic circumstance, to help those who need it most make travel a reality.






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