10 Questions with an Explorica Tour Director

An Explorica tour director since 2004, Jane Davies has lived in Amsterdam, Boston, and now London, where she brings European destinations to life for students and teachers. She studied French and German in school and enjoys traveling and hiking with her two children. When she’s not creating engaging educational moments on tour, Jane can be found going to the theater, taking her daughter to soccer practice, and looking after her family’s guinea pigs.

1. What is one thing you absolutely cannot travel without?

My portable battery charger! For a tour director, running out of your phone battery is just not an option. I’m still haunted by my camera running out of battery just as I was about to take a brilliant photo of a lion in South Africa.

2. What’s the longest you’ve been away from home?

I think my longest travel experience was about 4 months of traveling around southeast Asia in the 90s.

3. Where is your favorite place in the world?

My favorite place that I’ve ever visited is the Galapagos Islands. The wildlife was simply amazing. I also love London, which is where I live! It’s such a diverse, vibrant city, and there’s always something to do here — plus, many of the museums are free.

4. What’s the best piece of travel advice you’ve ever received?

Hmm…the best advice I’ve been given is to always bring a supply of baby wipes. They’re indispensable when traveling, especially on a night train.

5. What have you learned about yourself through travel that surprised you?

I like to step out of my comfort zone when traveling — I learned that this year on a three-week road trip through Namibia with my family. I was also surprised that I didn’t miss being able to access the internet for days at a time…unlike my daughter, who was counting the days until we had Wi-Fi again.

6. Who is your dream travel companion?

My dream travel companion is my friend, Anne, because she always lets me set the itinerary and do all the research. She’s happy to just go along with whatever I plan! Years ago, we had a two-month adventure traveling by train around India and Nepal, and just last year we went to Seville where we tried every single type of tapas.

7. What’s your favorite dish from around the world?

Kung Pao chicken, which was my go-to when I led tours around China. And when I’m in Italy, I get excited at the sight of Buffalo mozzarella — it’s not so common here in the UK.

8. Do you notice a difference between young travelers and older tourists?

Younger travelers tend to take a lot more selfies than older travelers! But I do think traveling at any age can open someone’s eyes to the diverse cultures around them, and that’s an experience you can’t get any other way.

9. What was the best trip you’ve taken with an Explorica tour group?

My favorite tour is always London, Paris & Italy because the students get to see so many of the major sights in Europe — and three very different cultures — in such a short time. I have fond memories of one tour in particular, with a fantastic Program Leader and a group of kids from California.

10. Window or aisle seat?

Aisle, because I hate having to bother people when I want to get out of my seat.

Want to experience Jane’s favorite tour for yourself? Check out London, Paris & Italy. 7 cities. 3 countries. 10 days. 1 amazing tour.

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