New Tour Spotlight: WWII US History: London, Normandy & Germany

Accelerate your students’ understanding of World War II with this inspiring and humbling trip. Our 11-day tour is an incredible opportunity for your students to step into history as you tour some of WWII’s most influential sites.   In London, you’ll see Winston Churchill’s cabinet war rooms and walk the city streets around the Thames River and Read More …

Remembering D-Day

On June 6, 1944, a massive Allied force of more than 160,000 soldiers crossed the English Channel to engage in Operation Overlord on the 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline of Normandy. There were five landing zones, given special code names that have become forever ingrained in the identity of the region: Juno Beach (Canada); Read More …

The math that won the war

In most cinematic renditions of World War II, the main events are illustrated with explosions and guns and soldiers bunkered down on the Western front. Movies portray war heroes like General Patton, MI6 spies like James Bond. Yet not all of the Allied achievements were action-packed and explosive enough to grace the silver screen with Read More …