Paris museums: 5 reasons to visit the Centre Pompidou

Visiting Paris soon? Get a fresh take on Parisian art museums at the Centre Pompidou. Recently reopened after a lengthy renovation, the Centre Pompidou was founded by the Former French President Georges Pompidou as a public place for all forms of Modern art. The museum’s rotation has included works from Salvador Dalí, Edvard Munch, Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock and more, with a constant influx of newer works Read More …

French food: went to Paris, fell in love with a crepe!

Guest blog post by Program Consultant Phil Todisco. On my recent trip to Paris, hosting many of our traveling teachers, I realized my favorite experience was not one of the sights, but one of the senses—taste! On your next trip to Paris, make sure your first stop is at one of the city’s quaint little Read More …

World Travel: The Kim World Tour

Meet Kim, a foreign language teacher from Michigan and an expert world traveler. Kim shared a few of her favorite educational travel spots and top tips, so that you too can lead successful student tours across the world. Name: Kim State: Michigan Subject taught: French, Spanish, and a Hybrid Language course (Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic) Number Read More …