6 Benefits of Learning a Language

Why learn another language? With online translators and other technologies that can help us move through another country more easily, it may seem unnecessary. But technology is far from replacing bilingualism, and learning another language can help you in many other unexpected ways. Here are six benefits of learning a foreign language: Connect with other Read More …

4 Activities to Get You in the Back-to-School Mindset

The end of summer is quickly approaching, and you know what that means: time to get in the back-to-school mindset! We’ve rounded up some engaging activities to complete this month that will inspire you to keep learning and get you thinking about travel again. Let’s get started! Learn a language There’s no time like the Read More …

Celebrate National Hobby Month: Bring Travel to Life at Home

When it’s hard to step out of your front door to go to the grocery store, it can feel impossible to imagine traveling—especially internationally. Luckily, you don’t have to board a plane to experience the richness and diversity of cultures around the world. We rounded up some hobbies and travel activities that will bring the Read More …

Spanish language tours

Join our Spanish language tours and immerse your class in the culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Roam the busy streets of Madrid or of the equally bustling metropolis of Barcelona, stopping to see Gaudí’s brilliant works of architecture along the way. Travel to Latin American locales like Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Peru for a sunny Read More …

World Travel: The Kim World Tour

Meet Kim, a foreign language teacher from Michigan and an expert world traveler. Kim shared a few of her favorite educational travel spots and top tips, so that you too can lead successful student tours across the world. Name: Kim State: Michigan Subject taught: French, Spanish, and a Hybrid Language course (Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic) Number Read More …