A walk through Ancient Rome

This video was created by Rome Reborn, an academic research project whose central mission is to create a full model of Rome at its greatest heights, working in conjunction with the Khan Academy. The goal is to take historical depictions of the city and create a true-to-life model of every period of Roman development, ranging Read More …

Mangia la pasta!

Next time you visit Italy, think outside the pizza box. In North America, Italian cuisine is largely believed to be composed of five major food groups: Tomatoes, basil, bread, pasta, and cheese. But when you travel to Bell’ Italia, see for yourself what a wide variety of dishes and yes, even vegetables, make up Italian cuisine. Of all Read More …

Pompeii: A city frozen in time

Welcome to Campania, a region of Italy known for Sofia Loren, buffalo mozzarella, Nutella farms and the best pizza in the world. Densely populated cities and zipping Fiats fleck the coastal hills surrounding the region’s notorious Mt. Vesuvius, but beneath the shadow of the volcano lies a civilization untouched by the stamp of time. Some popular tourist attractions seem overrated, with long lines, kitschy souvenirs and red tape blocking your path just when Read More …

Getting lost in Trastevere

“Watching the students interact with the locals in the Trastevere district was glorious. They were using the language appropriately and navigating around the locals and the street vendors with ease, really embracing everything they’d learned. It changed them.” –Morgan, art teacher, Insider’s Italy 2015 Sun-soaked from a long day of sightseeing, you find yourself walking Read More …

Group Leader Spotlight: Vivian

Vivian’s enthusiasm for travel is contagious. “I love to travel,” she says. “My husband and I do home exchanges, so when I started working at a high school I wanted to help my students see the world, too.” At the recommendation of a coworker, she reached out to Explorica. Vivian was thrilled by the support and the ability to change her student-chaperone ratio, Read More …

World Travel: The Nathan World Tour

Meet Nathan, an English and Theater teacher/talk show host with an affinity for tzatziki sauce & an approach to travel unlike any other! Nathan shares a deep connection with the world around him and is motivated by his faith to experience as much of it as possible.  From acting in an NBC movie as a rapper Read More …

Educational Travel Photo of the Week: Venice

A series of 118 islands connected by nearly 150 canals and over 400 bridges, the city of the Venetian Lagoon stands as an achievement of strength and resiliency in a never-ending battle against the elements.  Exposed to constant movement of water and a sinking foundation, this floating city is a marvel of architectural endurance and Read More …

New Explorica Educational Tour: Northern Italy

This week Explorica introduces three new tours to our already stellar lineup.  All three of these new tours were created due to customer feedback from our avid educational travelers! Travel to a different side of the boot-shaped country as Explorica takes you on a new tour from Rome and Florence to the lakes and castles Read More …

An Italian Valentine

Valentine’s Day as we know it—filled with cutesie cards, teddy bears and school kids exchanging valentines in class—is customarily a no-go in Italy. (In fact, Italians consider that kind of Valentine’s rather foreign). Italians celebrate La Festa degli Innamorati (which means “the festival of lovers”) on February 14th. It’s a day for celebrating only romantic Read More …