5 International Fall Festivals to Attend This Year

The weather is cooling down and the leaves are starting to change colors — here at Explorica, we’re deeming it the unofficial start of fall. But just because school is in session doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the adventures. For those of you who happened to get bit by the travel Read More …

Halloween and related holidays around the world

The Celtic origins of Halloween In North America, Halloween marks a night where ghosts, goblins, ghouls and witches roam the streets in search of candy.  While these traditions have become the Halloween norm, the holiday dates back nearly 2,000 years to the traditions of the Celtic New Year, Samhain.  On this day, Celts lit bonfires Read More …

Student Trips: Global Fall Festivals

Depending on where you are in the world, the fall season conjures up a time for harvests, changing foliage or…in some places, the height of art and culture. Though autumn darkens the evening sky sooner in September and October, over 120 cities around the world light up “White Nights” to showcase galleries, museums and other Read More …