A South African Valentine

The South African look of love does abound on February 14th with flowers, chocolates, dates at the disco or even a trip to…a wildlife park. It’s true! Kruger National Park in the north of the country is a top Valentine’s destination for visitors. (And it’s teeming with rhinos, elephants, leopards and lions, too.)

Sneak Peek: Sweet Valentines around the World

I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toes. Love is all around us. So, let’s go around the globe. (To find out how other countries celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, of course!) Although it’s common everywhere for sweethearts to send each other cards, offer flowers and go on romantic outings, Valentine’s Day Read More …

Student Travel to the Wonders of the World: Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu (meaning Old City in Incan) is arguably the most amazing site in Peru, if not in South America. So much so, it’s even got archaeologists arguing about its original purpose. Some say this 15th century Incan city was built as a secret ceremonial center. Though it’s debated whether this was in honor of Read More …

Student Travel to the Wonders of the World, Part 1: The Great Pyramid of Giza

Wonders of the World Ever wondered what’s so wonderful about the Wonders of the World? Join Explorica for a mind-boggling exploration into three of the world’s greatest architectural triumphs that have many scratching their heads over how and why they were constructed. We’ll travel to the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, head northwest to Read More …

Educational Travel in Asia: Chinese New Year Craft

In celebration of the year of the dragon, brighten up your classroom with these easy-to-make lanterns. There’s nothing more iconic than the lanterns that light the streets in China during their New Years celebration. The tradition can be traced as far back a 250 B.C. when Buddhist monks carried torches on New Year’s Eve, hoping Read More …

Educational travel in Asia: Learn about New Year’s traditions

Looks like it’s time for resolutions… We, at Explorica, resolve to keep bringing you more and more cultural insights, of course. And while some of us are still settling on goals (eat healthier, exercise and read more), another part of the world is just beginning their countdown to the New Year. January 23rd is the Read More …