North America tour collection

Discover how the New World became the sprawling, culturally diverse civilization it is today. Explore the vast, majestic Alaskan frontier. Follow in the footsteps of the U.S. Founding Fathers along the Freedom Trail in Boston. Find out why New York is called the “City That Never Sleeps.” Witness Montréal’s winter wonderland of sparkling rooftops and Read More …

The history behind Veteran’s Day

On this Veterans Day, we’d like to take a moment to honor our history and the brave men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us. Veterans Day (previously known as Armistice Day) is observed annually on November 11, not only in the United States but in many other countries throughout the world. Read More …

Tours by experience

All Explorica tours provide authentic educational immersion experiences. Narrow you search by choosing what topic you’d like your itinerary to focus on, and then we’ll help you to make any adjustments you need to make it perfect. History Go back to where it all began on an in-depth historical tour. See more: Battlefields of Read More …

100th anniversary of the U.S National Park Service

On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the act creating the National Park Service, a new federal bureau in the Department of the Interior responsible for protecting the 35 national parks and monuments then managed by the department and those yet to be established. This “Organic Act” states that “the Service thus established shall Read More …

The City of Brotherly Love is ranked #1

Lonely Planet recently named Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the best city to visit in the United States in 2016. So what makes Philadelphia the best? Philly had a banner year in 2015 and was crowned as the US’s first and only World Heritage City.  From the history of Independence Hall to the beauty in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Read More …

Inauguration 2017

Beyond the campaigning and ‘Saturday Night Live’ parodies, the upcoming election provides an important lesson in democracy and freedom that our country was built upon. The excitement will culminate on Inauguration Day 2017, when the entire country will join in welcoming the newest President of the United States. George Washington laid the foundation for all Read More …

Group Leader Spotlight: Jana

Jana had a specific vision for the kind of trip she wanted to lead. “I went to New York City when I was in junior high and it changed my life,” she explains. “If just one of my students had an experience like that, it would be worth it.” Jana began researching student tours, but was quickly disillusioned. “Every company had almost Read More …

Honoring Veterans Day by the Numbers

11/11/11 is here. Not only is this date a palindrome, more importantly it marks the truce made between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. One year later, it was commemorated as Armistice Day, but in the aftermath Read More …

Student Trips: Global Fall Festivals

Depending on where you are in the world, the fall season conjures up a time for harvests, changing foliage or…in some places, the height of art and culture. Though autumn darkens the evening sky sooner in September and October, over 120 cities around the world light up “White Nights” to showcase galleries, museums and other Read More …