Through the Venetian looking-glass

Imagine being forced to move to an island because you were so skilled at your job, and leaving was a crime punishable by death. That’s just what master Venetian glass-blowers faced in 1291 when the city forced them to move to the island of Murano. The Venetian government lived in fear of losing its monopoly over the glass makers’ exquisite works, so they packed them up and Read More …

Build a Northeast combo tour

Why visit just one city, when you can add another for less than the cost of a train ticket? Give your students a more complete picture of the American story by combining two or more destinations. Design your own tour or choose from one of our ready-made itineraries. Here’s a sneak-peek at what you can Read More …

Spanish language tours

Join our Spanish language tours and immerse your class in the culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Roam the busy streets of Madrid or of the equally bustling metropolis of Barcelona, stopping to see Gaudí’s brilliant works of architecture along the way. Travel to Latin American locales like Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Peru for a sunny Read More …

The best of Madrid and Barcelona

Explorica’s Insider’s Spain itinerary is built to give you the very best of Madrid and Barcelona. First, you’ll get a taste of Spain’s cultural, political and economic center with a tour of Madrid led by a licensed local guide. See Madrid’s mix of traditional and modern culture as you visit the Royal Palace, an 18th-century Read More …

Remembering D-Day

On June 6, 1944, a massive Allied force of more than 160,000 soldiers crossed the English Channel to engage in Operation Overlord on the 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline of Normandy. There were five landing zones, given special code names that have become forever ingrained in the identity of the region: Juno Beach (Canada); Read More …

Mangia la pasta!

Next time you visit Italy, think outside the pizza box. In North America, Italian cuisine is largely believed to be composed of five major food groups: Tomatoes, basil, bread, pasta, and cheese. But when you travel to Bell’ Italia, see for yourself what a wide variety of dishes and yes, even vegetables, make up Italian cuisine. Of all Read More …

Expedition to the seventh continent

For the first time in Explorica’s history, a group of travelers went on an expedition to Antarctica. We spoke with Mary Jo Westlake and Cricket Guyer, the co-leaders of the trip from Itasca Community College in Grand Rapids, MN, about this experience of a lifetime. What brought you to Explorica? We had the opportunity, as Read More …

Explorica exclusive: The Tour Diary

Explorica’s unique online Tour Diary allows family and friends of Explorica tour participants to check in on their loved ones and follow along with their tour. This private trip log is maintained by each group’s Tour Director, an area resident and expert in the local customs and language. Each day, they update the Tour Diary Read More …

The Hall of the Hundred Columns

Right from the entrance, you’re captured by the colors that zig-zag across 42 acres of chiseled vegetation and stone. As you sit on the famous Serpentine Bench—with its row of concave seats said to be formed by the park laborers taking a break in wet clay—you hear the pitch-perfect notes of a flamenco guitar. Following the music, you find a young man casually dressed, hunched Read More …

Budapest: A city of baths

A central European metropolis rich in culture, art and history, Budapest has long been considered the Paris of the East. A fitting comparison, as the Hungarian capital is home to 223 museums and galleries, 40 theaters, and a magnificent opera house. Stretching across both banks of the Danube, Budapest is made up of two formerly Read More …