Thanksgiving Course Two—Canada

Ready for your second course of Explorica’s Thanksgiving treat? Here’s a look at how the holiday began in Canada. The most popular stories about Canadian Thanksgiving, known as Jour de l’Action de grace in the French speaking regions, involve two explorers with dangerous adventures. You could say the fall holiday is a celebration of survival. Read More …

New Orleans: Where Cajun and Creole cultures unite

New Orleans is unlike any other city in the United States, in part because of its heavy Cajun and Creole influences. Both of these French-descended cultures show up in New Orleans architecture, food, and even the music. What exactly is the difference between the two cultures, though? Is it the Cajuns or the Creoles (or Read More …

The circus is calling in Montréal

Life’s a circus. But some days, you might still daydream about running off to join one. Try it on for size in Montréal, Canada whose unique circus company brought the world the spectacular Cirque de Soleil. Though the idea of a circus—involving a traveling group of trained animals, acrobats, and clowns—dates back to Ancient Rome, Read More …