Explorica Expeditions: Amsterdam, Paris, and London

Mary C. is a Project Manager on the marketing team in our Boston headquarters. She recently traveled to Europe with an Explorica group and is here to tell us all about it!     Most tourists flock to Europe during the warm summer months, but I was lucky enough to go on a trip to Read More …

Leslie & European Highlights — A student ambassador story

The following post was written as a part of our Explorica Student Ambassador program. Our student ambassadors documented and shared their Explorica travel experiences and had the chance to reflect on their journeys after they returned. To see more of their time abroad, visit the #ExploricaStudentAmbassador hashtag on Instagram. Leslie and her group traveled on Read More …

World Travel: The Kim World Tour

Meet Kim, a foreign language teacher from Michigan and an expert world traveler. Kim shared a few of her favorite educational travel spots and top tips, so that you too can lead successful student tours across the world. Name: Kim State: Michigan Subject taught: French, Spanish, and a Hybrid Language course (Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic) Number Read More …