Religion: Learning at Home


Taoism is a Chinese philosophical tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the world. There are three central tenets (or treasures) of Taoism: compassion, frugality, and humility. Those practicing Taoism seek to achieve perfection in the universe through various disciplines called “the way,” or tao.

  • Lao Tzu: Regarded as the founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu is an important historical figure you may not know much about. Check out this video to hear ten life lessons from a Taoist Master.
  • Be Water: One of the most famous practitioners of the philosophy of Taoism was Bruce Lee, and you may have heard his most famous quote: “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water.” Check out this Sundance 2020 Documentary Be Water, focusing on Bruce Lee’s core philosophy.
  • Tao Te Ching: Written by Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching is a collection of poems and sayings that acts as a religious text for those who follow Taoism. Here is a great article on how we can extrapolate great wisdom from this ancient text today.



The fastest-growing sector of religion is people who identify as non-religious, non-believers, or following no religion. Find some great articles and links below into why this is occurring and how it affects different countries and people.

  • Non-Christianity in Europe: Check out this article from The Guardian on how Christianity is no longer the “default” religion amongst the youngest age groups all over Europe.
  • GDP and Religion: Ever wondered if there’s a causal relationship between a country’s economic growth and how religious its citizens are? Find out more by reading this article about a study performed by researchers at Bristol University.
  • Science and Moral Questions: Check out this TED Talk from neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris, PhD, on how science can answer our most important moral questions.


Norse Paganism

Norse Paganism, or Old Norse Religion, is only known because scholars spent years reconstructing old runic inscriptions. Norse Paganism was a polytheistic religion with many gods and goddesses that was spread through oral tradition, instead of traditional written texts like many other religions developed over time.

  • The Return of Paganism: Discover how Paganism is seeing a resurgence in the United States and what that means moving forward.
  • Viking Religion: We know very little about the Vikings since they didn’t write anything down. What we do know is that they were Pagans! Learn more about how the Viking Age was a time of religious change.
  • Norse Gods: Thor, Odin, and Floki were present during the Viking Age. Can you name any other Norse gods? Become an expert in Norse mythology in just 15 minutes!