World Travel: The Martin World Tour

Say hello to Martin, a high school history teacher with visits to 20 countries under his belt and a penchant for rack of lamb & Cabot cloth-bound cheddar cheese. Since that one time he sold shoes to Bob Dylan, he’s been a guy that’s “gotta travel on.”  As one of our most adventurous, experienced and witty Group Leaders, we’d Read More …

Educational Travel Photo of the Week: Dublin

After centuries of defeat and Protestant control, the release of anti-Catholic laws in 18th century Ireland led to a wealth of growth and renewal of the nation’s capital city, Dublin. A once suppressed provincial town of the British crown, Dublin flourished and townsmen began to build the beautiful Georgian homes that still exist today. In Read More …

World Food Day: Sustainability and service

Today marks the 68th anniversary of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) founding.  Built upon the belief that “the goal of freedom from want of food, suitable and adequate for the health and strength of all people can be achieved,” the group inspires others to help join the fight to end world hunger.  Every year Read More …

Educational Travel Photo of the Week: Montréal

Welcome to Montréal, Canada’s “cultural capital” and an UNESCO-designated City of Design. Steeped in history, the former fur-trading city is now the center for French language music, film television, radio and print publishing in Canada. Learn about French Canadian culture and witness the architecture of the city’s magnificent cathedrals and unique underground city, enjoying the Read More …

Explorica gives back: A day at Plimoth Plantation

At Explorica, we love our historical sites. We also love giving back to the organizations that make our tours so memorable. That’s why we recently volunteered with Tourism Cares at the Plimoth Plantation, one of the most popular educational destinations in our home state of Massachusetts. Originally settled by the Pilgrims in 1620, Plimoth Plantation Read More …

Educational Travel Photo of the Week: Santorini

Visit the black sands of Santorini, one of the most magnificent locations in the Aegean and a must-see destination on any trip to Greece. The island is known for its rows of white buildings jutting off the edges of a volcano, and the sunsets over the Aegean reflecting off the whitewashed coastline. The best-known Minoan Read More …

Constitution Day: 226 years of the U.S. Constitution

Happy Constitution Day! On this day in 1787, the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia to sign the document that would change U.S. history forever. While social studies teachers and Philadelphia tour guides might have kept tabs on this date for the past couple of centuries, Constitution Day wasn’t an official federal holiday until 2004. Now Read More …

Educational Travel Photo of the Week: Tokyo

Visit the Sensō-ji, the oldest temple in Tokyo. Founded in 645 C.E. and the center of ancient legend, the Buddhist temple remains a central place of worship to this day. Yet the Sensō-ji is not solely a religious landmark–the iconic temple stands at the edge of a line of shops, hosts festivals and other public events, and receives Read More …