5 spooky tourist attractions around the world

Article submitted by Explorica Program Consultant Katie Severance. It’s the end of a cool, dark night. An icy wind passes through the air, causing you to lean in a bit closer as your friends huddle around sharing scary stories.  You sit quietly convincing yourself that the truth within is minimal and that the goosebumps that Read More …

Paris museums: 5 reasons to visit the Centre Pompidou

Visiting Paris soon? Get a fresh take on Parisian art museums at the Centre Pompidou. Recently reopened after a lengthy renovation, the Centre Pompidou was founded by the Former French President Georges Pompidou as a public place for all forms of Modern art. The museum’s rotation has included works from Salvador Dalí, Edvard Munch, Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock and more, with a constant influx of newer works Read More …

Les Américains in France: Explorica staff visit the Festival d’Avignon

Article by Program Coordinator Kelly Bisbee. Kelly Bisbee and Program Consultant Meaghan Richards joined an Explorica student tour of Italy, France & Spain this summer to help out and get a firsthand look at our product. Find out just what they discovered on their trip, and what unexpected surprises awaited them in Avignon! Hopping off the Read More …

Vienna, the City of Music

Article by Program Consultant Candice Klinikowski. “Music and everything I loved was in the stones of Vienna, and in people’s glances and their behavior, the way pure feelings are part of one’s very heart.” – Sándor Márai, Hungarian writer In the eastern end of Austria lies the musical gem of Vienna.  This city, known for Read More …

Explorica’s 2014 summer photo contest winners

The results of our 2014 photo contest are in! Thank you to everyone who submitted. We received so many fantastic submissions this year, it was tough to choose just one winner for each category. Most immersive photo The winner of the grand prize for “Most Immersive Photo” is Isabella from Ontario. Isabella’s photos were so Read More …

Things to skip and things to not miss: Beijing

Guest post by Program Consultant Cara Suriyamongkol.  Living in China for a year and a half, I quickly found out which sights, activities and meals were enriching and enjoyable cultural activities and which were maybe just a little over-hyped. Sure, you probably want to form your own opinion on the most popular tourist attractions, but knowing Read More …

French food: went to Paris, fell in love with a crepe!

Guest blog post by Program Consultant Phil Todisco. On my recent trip to Paris, hosting many of our traveling teachers, I realized my favorite experience was not one of the sights, but one of the senses—taste! On your next trip to Paris, make sure your first stop is at one of the city’s quaint little Read More …

Teacher Appreciation Week 2014: Our favorite teachers

It’s teacher appreciation week, and we would like to thank all of you teachers out there for all the hard work you put into changing young lives every day. To show you all how much we appreciate what you do, we decided to share our stories about our own favorite teachers from when we were Read More …

Make a difference: Service learning in El Salvador

Salvadoran students and Explorica staff  raise the roof in Centro Escolar, Bernardino E. Zamora, a local school in the western hills of El Salvador. Explore El Salvador while helping out local communities in our latest addition to our “Make a Difference” educational tours, Make a Difference: El Salvador. We recently took our own trip to the Read More …