From the teacher’s desk: Inauguration tours

Tracy is a Mississippi teacher who’s taken her students to two presidential inaugurations, plus several other trips to New York City, Washington, DC, and Chicago. Here, she writes about her experiences with Explorica’s presidential inauguration tours, how easy they were to plan, and what a great impact they made on her students. What made you Read More …

Student Stories: How my trip to the UK changed my life

Caroline Zuffante is a senior at Winthrop High School in Winthrop, Massachusetts. She traveled to England, Ireland, and Scotland in April of 2018. Here is how her trip to the UK introduced her to a whole new world.   When I thought of “traveling” a year ago, I thought about taking a quick two-hour plane Read More …

New tour spotlight: Five landmarks to visit in Lisbon

Lisbon is the perfect destination for explorers—after all, it’s been a launchpad and a haven for world travelers for centuries, giving it a unique historical significance. Plus, you can’t beat the beautiful views of the medieval landscape. While much of the city was destroyed in an earthquake in 1755, the buildings that survived have been Read More …

Our February classroom calendar: Chinese New Year

Explorica is very proud of our new resource for teachers: our 2018-19 Around the World classroom calendar! The calendar features a new country and an international holiday or event for you to celebrate with your students each month. Download a new page each month on this blog (and subscribe!), hang it up in your classroom, and Read More …

The Big Five: How to spot Africa’s most sought-after species

What are the Big Five? Originally, it was a term used by hunters to describe the most dangerous game to track and kill. Today, safari companies have borrowed the term to attract tourists, who travel far and wide to get the chance to spot some of Africa’s biggest animals. Two of the most popular locations Read More …

5 ways to keep your stuff safe while abroad

Wherever you travel, safety is key, and that includes protecting your stuff. If you’re traveling with a group, carrying luggage, holding a guidebook, and/or speaking a different language, it can point you out as a tourist. And depending on where you are, this could make you a target for pickpockets. You don’t want to always Read More …

Student stories: What made me decide to go abroad

Camila Miranda-Llovera is a Senior at Winthrop High School. She’s an active member on the cross country and indoor/outdoor track teams, Mock Trial, National Honors Society, STEM club, Student Council, and Quiz Bowl, and has the goal of one day becoming an engineer. Here, she writes about what made her decide to go on an educational Read More …