Educational travel photo of the week: Delphi

Visit Delphi, the center of the Ancient Greek world. Located in the south of Greece, it was the home of the famous oracle of Apollo, who communicated Apollo’s messages to kings and commoners alike. A pivotal character in ancient lore, the Delphic oracle makes appearances in the Iliad, Eumenides and Oedipus Rex. Visit the ruins Read More …

Educational Travel Photo of the Week: The Colosseum

When in Rome, visit the Colosseum. It’s a no-brainer to stop at the iconic amphitheater when traveling across Italy, but the nearly 2,000 year old structure is anything but overrated. Considered one of the greatest Roman works of engineering, the stadium not only hosted gladiatorial fights but dramas and battle re-enactments as well. The amphitheater also Read More …

Cuba travel restrictions soon a thing of the past?

Good news: Explorica now offers exclusive trips to Cuba! No, this isn’t a scam. Yes, it’s legally sanctioned. Contrary to common belief, travel to Cuba has been legal for some time—it’s just very, VERY restricted. Only Cuban natives and educational, religious and philanthropic organizations really have access to the country, and even these groups have Read More …

Soccer tour: Explorica sends soccer team to Spain

Are you ready for some “fútbol?” This soccer team traveled with Explorica to Spain to visit famous stadiums (like FC Barcelona’s above), play with the pros,  and learn the secrets of the Spanish “futbolistas.” You too can bring your team to play in Spain by customizing one of our many Spanish tours.  Welcome to Spain, Read More …