Things to skip and things to not miss: Beijing

Guest post by Program Consultant Cara Suriyamongkol.  Living in China for a year and a half, I quickly found out which sights, activities and meals were enriching and enjoyable cultural activities and which were maybe just a little over-hyped. Sure, you probably want to form your own opinion on the most popular tourist attractions, but knowing Read More …

French food: went to Paris, fell in love with a crepe!

Guest blog post by Program Consultant Phil Todisco. On my recent trip to Paris, hosting many of our traveling teachers, I realized my favorite experience was not one of the sights, but one of the senses—taste! On your next trip to Paris, make sure your first stop is at one of the city’s quaint little Read More …

Gelato: Because you needed more reasons to travel to Italy

Written by Explorica Program Consultant Kelly Bisbee. After living and traveling in Italy for four months and maintaining a strict diet of a 1 euro cono of gelato per day, it’s safe to say I’m (nearly) a gelato expert. Even with the ample choices for desserts in Italy, let’s be honest—the reigning king is gelato. Read More …