5 Travel Do’s and Don’ts

Looking for some time-tested advice on making the most of your trip? You’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn about our do’s and don’ts for packing, traveling, and enjoying your tour.

Do pack appropriately, given the weather and your itinerary.

Not having the correct clothing can definitely impact your trip, so it’s important to take all scheduled activities into account when packing. Layers are always a good idea because the weather can be unpredictable, and it’s smart to bring a pair of sneakers for comfortable walking no matter where you go.

Don’t pack everything in your suitcase.

On the off-chance that your luggage gets lost or doesn’t make it to your destination immediately, we recommend a small carry-on with your most important items like any medications, snacks, and an extra change of clothes.

Do brush up on the local language.

While it’s true that servers and shopkeepers will probably speak a bit of English (depending on your destination), it’s always helpful to learn some popular phrases ahead of time. Think of sayings you’ll use daily, like “How much?” or “Where’s the restroom?” and learn how to say them in the country’s native language.

Don’t let jetlag get the best of you.

If you’re traveling internationally, don’t take a nap when you arrive. Instead, do your best to sleep on the plane and change the time on your watch or phone as soon as you go through security. Your mind will be synced up with your new time zone before your plane even lands!

Do stay hydrated.

Flying causes dehydration, and you have plenty of fun activities to get to. Bring a reusable water bottle that you can fill up and keep on hand at all times — just be sure it’s empty before you go through airport security.

Don’t spend too much time on your phone or in your room.

Get out there and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of your destination! Be present with your group and enjoy your time exploring a new place.

Do document your trip.

This one’s a no-brainer! Bring a small journal with you and write in it while on the bus or after the day’s activities have concluded. Be sure to take plenty of photos — you’ll want to hang on to these memories for a long, long time.

Don’t carry large amounts of cash.

Being a tourist in a new area makes you a target for theft and sneaky pickpocketers. We recommend that you bring your ATM card or a prepaid cash card and withdraw money as needed throughout the trip. You’ll want enough cash on hand for one day of travel, and make sure it’s in the proper currency.

Do experience the culture of your destination.

Now is the time to truly explore and fully immerse yourself in a new country’s way of life. Seize the opportunity to chat with locals, try regional foods, and dive into the nuances that make every culture unique and interesting.

Don’t explore the city by yourself.

Avoid wandering off on your own and always travel with a buddy — it’s never fun to find yourself alone in an unfamiliar place. Keep the local emergency number on hand in case you find yourself in trouble.

And a bonus…

Don’t forget to have fun!

Already enrolled in an Explorica tour? Check out these other great travel tips before you head out. If you’re looking to book an educational trip, browse our full collection of tours and contact us to get started.

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