TKay & Ecuador – A Student Ambassador Story

The following post was written as a part of our Explorica Student Ambassador program. Our student ambassadors documented and shared their Explorica travel experiences and had the chance to reflect on their journeys after they returned. To see more of their time abroad, visit the #ExploricaStudentAmbassador hashtag on Instagram.

TKay discovered her Explorica trip through Kids N Culture, a non-profit academic enrichment program for high school students. When asked why she wanted to travel, she said, “I feel like it is the best way to acquire knowledge and experience new things that I may not have the luxury to experience. I think seeing the world and venturing outside of our little bubble is a catalyst for growth. This is because we only see the small parts of the world that we have around us and we’re limited to what our communities have to offer.” Read on to learn more about her trip to Ecuador!

My recent trip to Ecuador was a true learning experience which provided me with a chance to quiet my mind and truly be present. Connecting with nature and learning more about the culture of Ecuador was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This trip gifted me with the chance to visit beautiful places like Banos, Tena, and Quito. Who knew just one trip would inspire me to explore other parts of the world?

A couple of months before my trip, I received a small sized journal. Written on the front, it said: “In the midst of our lives, we must find the magic that makes our soul soar.” Immediately, I fantasized what that could possibly mean for me. It became a goal of mine to find this “magic.” I could almost feel my soul begging for it. Up until my trip, it became a lingering thought that kept replaying in the back of my mind. Little did I know, in order to find that “magic,” I just needed to be present and let life take care of the rest. 

With the demand to disconnect from my phone and take in such an exciting experience, on the very first day, I had already learned so much about life in Ecuador — which is far different than life in the United States. 

Our first drive out to the equator meant that I got to see parts of the city of Quito. I looked out of the window with curiosity as I saw lines of adults and children waiting outside of small offices. I asked our amazing tour guide Diego about the lines. With a genuine smile on his face, he explained that Ecuador is home to refugees and people looking to improve their lives. They migrate from neighboring countries to work and provide for their families. This piece of information expanded my perspective on sacrifice and hard work. I was reminded of the importance of being a global citizen and erasing man-made borders that limit us from living meaningful lives. It was a reminder that the world is home to everyone and “borders” are meant to be crossed. This reassuring feeling of hope was all I needed to see humanity’s potential for good. 

Throughout the trip, my peers and I participated in activities that I watched others do in the media, yet always wanted to experience it for myself. For example, I always come across photos of people on Instagram swinging off a cliff in Bali. I used to obsess over the idea of being “trendy” or finding the perfect photo to post online. Realizing how shallow and superficial that may be, I learned so much more from doing it in real life without the intention of finding the “perfect photo.” 

Being able to hike the Amazon jungle and go white water rafting in the Napo River became something impossible to share with the outside world. It was a learning experience that only I could display within myself and extract lessons that I could apply in other areas in my life. Instead of sharing these moments to social media, it was far more important to turn to my peers and form authentic conversations about life. The long drives between cities and sleepless nights without wifi proved to me the beauty of human connection.  I was inspired by my friends and got a chance to grow with them in such a beautiful way. I learned that being truly present and overcoming fears are steps that I could take to find that magic in me. My soul was already buzzing from the magic that I was experiencing. 

Day by day, I slowly tackled my fears and wrote how I felt about it in my journal. Having my journal with me everyday helped my feelings leave my mind and fully process what it meant to sleep in the middle of a wifi-less jungle. The sounds of nature instead of cars and trucks provided me with a different lifestyle that led me towards self discovery. I realized the “magic” could only be found when life had the chance to display the endless opportunities of connecting with the deeper world around me. 

Thank you, Ecuador, for welcoming my desperate soul with your warm smiles, breathtaking scenery and endless magic.

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