How to travel with your Girl Scouts

If you are a troop leader or parent, you know how valuable the Girl Scouts of America is to young girls across the country. The organization helps shape our future leaders through hands-on learning and discovery, while offering the best leadership development experience for girls in the world.

At Explorica, we know how important educational travel is, and that it can be monumental in fortifying these ideas of learning and discovery. Traveling takes students outside their comfort zone, and they learn develop strong decision-making and leadership skills.

We believe that traveling with your Girl Scouts can take their immersive learning to the next level.

Here are some easy tips for traveling with
your girl scouts:

1. Find a travel partner

As a troop leader or volunteer, your free time is limited (not to mention valuable). When planning a trip with your girl scouts, there is a lot to think of: location, transportation, accommodations, meals… the list goes on! Working with a travel partner can help alleviate some of the stress that comes with trip planning. They’ll take care of all the little details, so you can focus on making the experience the best for your troop.


2. Focus on a theme, then choose destination

When choosing where you want to travel with your troop, it can be helpful to focus first on what you want them to get out of the experience. Do you want to focus on history, and explore the birthplace of the Girl Scouts in Savannah, GA?  Or, would you prefer to focus on current events, and show your scouts how truly global Girl Scouts can be? Is receiving a badge important? Ask yourself and other volunteers these questions before you begin.

When you visit Savannah with a travel partner like Explorica, we organize a visit to the first headquarters. The Girl Scout First Headquarters is a Girl Scout museum and program center owned and operated by the local Girl Scout Council, and was left to the girls of the local council by Juliette Low herself. The exhibits tell the story of the history of Girl Scouting. At the visit, your troop can participate in Girl Scout Ways program to earn a badge.

If you’re more interested in an international excursion, Explorica can plan a trip to London & Paris. This is the ultimate experience for Girl Scouts, and features a trip to Pax Lodge, the Girl Scouts world centre in London, plus an exclusive pinning ceremony. You’ll also take in the many breathtaking and inspiring sights of London and Paris along the way.


3. Rally the troops

The most important part of any successful Girl Scout trip is the troop! It’s important to talk to your scouts and their parents to prepare them for the adventure ahead. For some, this may be the first time they are traveling and you will want to make sure they have all the information they need. It’s helpful to host informational meetings where you can invite all the parents or guardians. At these meetings, walk through the itinerary and everything that’s included in the trip. When partnering with Explorica, we’ll create these materials for you and send you all the information you need to distribute to the troop.

Another great benefit of partnering with Explorica is that we offer a flexible chaperone ratio. This means that we’ll give you free places for chaperones depending on how many scouts enroll. We’re the only travel provider that will give you a free place with as few as 5 travelers.

Traveling with Girl Scouts is a great way to broaden their horizons at a young age. Kids who travel young are set up for success down the line — in academics and professionally! Learn more about the benefits of educational travel here.


Ready to talk?

We’d love to help you plan a trip with your Girl Scouts – schedule a call today!

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