What are Guaranteed Travel Date Tours?

Exclusively at Explorica, we offer an alternative to traditional group travel called Guaranteed Travel Dates. It’s our answer to the industry standard “one size fits all” model of traveling with your students, and many of our group leaders tell us it’s their preferred way to travel.


Tours with Explorica (and all other educational travel companies) are priced based on a group travel model: at least 35 people sharing a tour bus. Therefore, groups who recruit enough participants to fill a tour bus typically enjoy a private tour, while smaller groups can either pay a small premium to remain a private group or get combined with one or more other groups.

The upside of this consolidation process is that it allows smaller groups to enjoy the same low pricing as larger groups, with the added benefit of traveling with students from other schools in the United States and Canada.

The downside is that it requires groups to be flexible, because if they can’t recruit enough participants to constitute a private group they may be moved to another tour. At some companies, this can mean traveling up to 4 days before or after their selected departure date or missing an entire country from their originally selected itinerary.


Explorica’s Guaranteed Travel Date tours give group leaders a level of certainty not possible with the traditional consolidated tour model. This exclusive offering provides total peace of mind that the tour you select will run on the date you choose—with no last-minute changes—no matter how many participants you enroll. And if for some reason we have to ask you to make a change to your trip, your participants can elect to receive a full refund. So you, and your participants can make travel arrangements with full confidence and complete financial security.


Contact us to learn more about guaranteed departures or to select a Guaranteed Travel Date tour for your group: 1.888.310.7120.

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