Our aim with these My Favorite: posts is to give our well-traveled Explorica employees a chance to share some of their favorite travel experiences with all of you.
This week’s my favorite comes from our Client Services Manager Sarah Vessenes. Take it away, Sarah…
When driving on any Autostrada (state highway) in Italy, you will inevitably come across an Autogrill–the Italian version of what in America we consider the “rest” or “truck” stop.
These little off-highway gems differ in just about every way from their American counterparts, and the differences are apparent the moment you pull over.
On any given day at the Autogrill, you’re bound to come across Alfa Romeos, Fiats, Lancias, a random Lamborghini or Ferrari, as well as more than a few of the Vespas–those classic, modern scooters favored among the young and intrepid.
Gawking at the cars is all well and good, but once inside the Autogrill, the real adventure begins.
Autogrills are a mix of rest stop, coffee shop, bar, restaurant, souvenir store…oh and gas station. As you first enter, you’ll invariably encounter a really diverse assortment of Italians bustling about the cafe, angling for their espressi, soft drinks, orange juice, or even beer or wine. *
* Make sure you go to the cashier first! Order your coffee or soda or sandwich, then bring your receipt to the counter for service. This is what real Italians do…
After you’ve loaded up on espresso, or had yourself a Mortadella sandwich with a Fanta, make sure you visit the restroom before hitting the road. Don’t forget your ‘spicci’–or change–as the restrooms at the Auto Grill usually come with a fee of 25-50 centessimi (cents) to use them. Then its back on the road to Roma.
Everyone in Italy–from your local farmer, to your Autostrada truck driver, to your Milanese fashionista stops at the Autogrill, so it is a great way to get an authentic and amazing feel for the whole region.
There is even a subculture that has grown around the Auto Grill. Just take a look on Facebook and you’ll see numerous groups devoted to the Autogrill. Which reminds me, I need to go join one.
Ora basta! See you on the A1!